Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Weekend Review Part II

Saturday morning we met up with my folks and brother's family for a train ride on the Heber Creeper.
All morning Piper kept saying "Where's the choo choo?!"  All the girls were so excited!
They had the train decorated for Christmas and Santa even visited them during the ride!  He talked with each and every child on the train and asked them what they wanted for Christmas...I was very impressed!
It was a lot of fun!
Afterwards we enjoyed some hot chocolate and donuts...perfect.

 After the train ride we tried to snap a few family pictures for our annual Christmas card...this proved to be a photo shoot fail.
Shall we see some?

First up...right before we started snapping the pictures Morgan bursts into tears.  I guess she hurt her tooth on the candy cane she was eating.  Haley looks grumpy and Rory is screaming.
 Not much change here...actually probably a bit worse.
 New setting...beside the train.  Haley won't look at the camera and Ryan is looking off into dreamland.  Rory is coughing and I look like I'm in the middle of talking...most likely saying, "Look at the camera!!  Smile!"
 And these next two are real keepers.
We have a perfect shot of Piper picking her nose...
 ...and then eating the booger...nice.
Big fail.
But with all the failures we did manage to get a good one the next day...thank goodness.  You'll have to wait to see that one!

This weekend also marked the end to breastfeeding.  My final nurse session was Saturday night...on Rory's birthday.  It was bittersweet.  But you know...she transitioned really well, which makes it that much easier on me.  I'm thankful for that.  I'm lucky I'm able to nurse for as long as I have!  I'm pretty proud of myself.

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