Monday, December 3, 2012

Weekend Review Part I: Rory's Birthday

We had a little family dinner with my folks to celebrate Rory turning one.
One the menu: Chicken Tortilla Soup and my very special homemade cake.
 She took her cake eating very seriously...or maybe she just didn't like everybody staring at her while she ate.

 Presents were a hit!  She loved them all...that is when the older kids were not taking them from her.  What is it with older kids loving baby toys?  
 Can you see Morgan sulking in this picture.  She was upset that I told her to give Rory a chance to open the present first.
Grandpa putting together her new scooter with four impatient little girls surrounding him.
Piper giving the sad face because Rory's riding on it.

Rory had her one year check-up today.  
She weighs in at 16.5 pounds, 6th percentile...I know, she's a light weight.
Her height is 29 inches, 43rd percentile.

I love my little baby!

More weekend review to come: Train Ride, Christmas picture photo shoot and saying goodbye to breastfeeding.

1 comment:

  1. Rory is so cute and I can't believe she is already 1! The pictures of the girls agitated in the background are just hilarious!! Love it.
