Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013 Here We Come!

We were real party animals last night.  Let's see, I'll give you the play by play.  I was still feeling rocky as I got hit by the stomach flu along with Morgan on Sunday.  Haley was also hit that night with the barfies.  It was awful...just ask Ryan, since he had to take care of us all.

So yeah, New Years Eve.  The girls watched a movie and then we had left over pizza....which by the way none of the girls ate.  And then right before bed (at 8:00 mind you...no midnight for them), after 36 hours of being barf free, Morgan decided to launch yet again.  Poor thing.  I felt particularity bad because she even said her stomach hurt and that she felt like she may throw up.  Ryan and I kept saying "No!  You are not going to throw up, it's been way too long since the last time!"  And then "BLEH!"...she threw up.  Oops...sorry Morgan.

Then Ryan and I spent the evening shaking our fists at neighbors (behind closed doors of course) for all the racket they were making lighting fireworks.  It kept waking our kids...and have I mentioned how freaked out Piper is of them?  This is our very first time since living here that we've spent New Years at home.  I just assumed since it's below 20 degrees outside with about a foot of snow, no one lit fireworks for this holiday...I was wrong.  Have I mentioned how much a hate home fireworks.  I know...I'm such a stick in the mud.  But to me...you might as well just light your money on fire and watch it burn.  Too harsh?

Anyway...Ryan and I were in bed by 10:15.  Like I said...real party animals.

I guess I'm a little bummed out that the winter break didn't go as planned.  No camping and no beach...just a lot of barf and a bit of skiing thrown in.  Oh, and lets not forget the stitches!

So, with that, I'm ready to start fresh!  New beginnings!

2013 here we come!!

1 comment:

  1. I don't even know what to say, as this sounds so horrible for all of you! Hang in there!!
