Thursday, January 3, 2013

Back to a routine and another one bites the dust.

The girls went back to school today.  I was ready.  It has been a pretty hard winter break and I was craving a routine again.  They were so excited about seeing all their friends...and Haley couldn't wait to tell one of her BF's that she got Kit for Christmas.  I expect they will be getting together very soon to play with their American Girl Dolls as her friend has one too.

Yesterday I decided to take Haley and Morgan skiing for their last day of break.  It turned out to be a bit of a disaster.  The thermostat read 9 degrees when we pulled into the resort...that should have been a clue that things may not go that well.  Without going in too much detail the three hours consisted of a lot of whining, the girls getting stuck in the woods, me side stepping up half the mountain to get to them, 30 minutes in the lodge to try to warm up, lots of tears from Morgan, frozen toes and fingers, and finally me throwing in the towel and taking them home early.  It wasn't my proudest mommy moment for sure.  I was pretty frustrated and I'm sure I got some looks from other skiers.  Too bad I can't say that I'll never see any of those skiers again...but alas, you pretty much see the same people at this resort (mostly locals) and I'm sure they will all remember the red head in the purple jacket acting like a crazy lady and her poor miserable children.  Oh well.  So we only did three runs.  I guess when it's 9 degrees outside even the toughest kids have their breaking point.

So yeah, the weather...we've had quite the cold snap this week.  The lows have been in the single digits and for the first time the dogs slept in the house last night.  I was terrified that I would wake up to poo everywhere or something torn to shreds or my pantry raided.  But luckily, none of that happened and they slept soundly the entire night.  I think they were happy dogs.

And in other luck would have it...Ryan has been hit by the stomach flu too.  I really thought he was going to make it through unscathed, but no.  Now, my little Rory is the last one standing.  I'm guessing she'll decide to get sick right about when I'm in my deepest, most comfortable sleep tonight....I'm thinking around 1:00 in the morning.  Am I being too negative?  Nah, I'm just being realistic.  Well, hopefully I'm wrong and she just has a superior immune system than the rest of us.  Time will tell.

I'm hoping that this weekend, everyone will be feeling good because I want to make a big huge breakfast since we never did get one New Years day.  I also have some soups that sound pretty good too.  So I should have a recipe or two to share soon!

Here's to health!!  Dang it...I want health!!

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