Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Acts of Kindness this week.

Life is not perfect.  I get frustrated as a parent.  My kids bicker.  My kids fight with one another.  Haley and Morgan sometimes exclude Piper...the younger siblings always get pushed out of the you get that too?  I yell...sometimes too much.  My kids yell.  Messes surround me...and sometimes I feel like I'm drowning in it all.  

But yesterday all was quiet before dinner.
I look over and see three of my girls cuddled on the sofa, Haley reading to them.
I love when I get to witness acts of kindness between my girls.  

Yesterday when I picked them up from school, as Haley was getting into the car she said "Wow, I really like your hair!"  Morgan immediately responds, "Oh, thank you!"  But...Haley wasn't referring to Morgan she was actually talking to me (what a sweetheart, huh?)  But anyway, I thought Haley was going to say something kinda mean back to "NOT YOU MORGAN!"  But instead she said, "Oh, I was talking to Mommy, Morgan.  But your hair is so pretty too!!"  Morgan was delighted.

Or the other day when Haley and Morgan set up a "tea party" with a bunch of stuffed animals.  They welcomed Piper to join them.  I love when they willingly involve Piper...and Piper loves it too!
Or when I go into Haley and Morgan's room to check on them before I go to bed and I see them both snuggled up on the top bunk together.  They most likely fell asleep telling each other stories as we can usually hear them chatting away.

Siblings bicker...siblings fight...siblings yell at each, this is true.  But it's the moments like these that remind me that they do love each other...a lot.  They ARE listening when I teach them how to be kind to one another.  This helps me me feel that I must be doing something right. And I NEED reassurance that I'm doing something right when most days I feel as though I'm doing everything wrong.

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