Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Weekend Review

Is everyone aware that the Oscars are next month?  Well, it is...February 24 I believe.  Now, as you may already know, I don't get out for movies very often.  In fact the only movie that I've seen that has been nominated is Brave...that's it.  So my friend and I are trying to be a bit more prepared and are doing our "Oscar Homework" now til February 24.  First up...Frankenweenie.  We got our families together Sunday for a combined movie night. 
Unfortunately, this movie scared the crap out of my kids.  Haley managed to sit through it, although she sobbed when Sparky died and covered her face during "scary" scenes...but she insisted to stay to see the end.  Morgan however did not.  I ended up taking her upstairs to play with dolls in another room.  Darn.  Both girls slept on our floor for the night.  Personally, I didn't think it was all that great...a little weird.  But I suppose that's to be expected with a Tim Burton film.

We had a big milestone this weekend!  The girls started skiing on back mountain at Sundance!  It won't be long now and they'll be doing black diamonds!  Now, if I can get them to do more parallel skiing as they are masters of the snow plow!  But goodness, I am so proud of those girls!

In other news the temps are warming up this week!  I think we may even crack 20 finally!

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