Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Everyday life.

I have high hopes that these two are going to uber good friends.
 This picture just cracks me up.  That is a very typical pose Belle is laying in.  She's so weird.
 I've discovered Rory's favorite food...Frosted Mini Wheats.
She would be very happy to eat those all day long if she could.
The dogs patiently waiting for her to finish so they can pounce her chair and lick it clean.

Every morning Haley and Morgan get ready for school as fast as they can so they have plenty of play time downstairs.  This morning they ended up having an hour before school to play.

I took Piper and Rory to story time yesterday and I'll be taking them to another one tomorrow.  Piper doesn't quiet have the patience yet to sit with the other kids and listen, she prefers to roam around and take books off the shelves.  But we'll keep at it.  She does however, love the singing!

I made another batch of those Snickerdoodle Brownies...I think they will be the death of me.  I just can't resist them!!  I think I'll make some bread today.  Temps are still hovering between 10-15 degrees, so I really don't feel like going anywhere.  A good day to bake.

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