Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Good TV

As you recall, we do not have TV, so we have to rely on other sources such as HULU for our evening entertainment.  For the record, I love not having it.  Except during the Olympics...I really wished I could have had that playing all day long.  But, I'm glad my kids are being raised without it.  Of course they watch their fair share of movies, or Inspector Gadget and All Dogs Go to Heaven on HULU, but we have control of what they see.  There is just so much junk on TV...I'm amazed that they can call some of the shows on the air "Family Shows".  What happened to the days of "Family Ties", "The Cosby Show" or "Full House"?  And the commercials!  How I hate commercials!!  And I can't stand the commercials that are aimed for children...I'm glad my kids don't see all that junk!

As a matter of fact...growing up we didn't have a TV for many, many years.  Lots of people don't have TV these days, but way back then, that was a little out of the ordinary.  Especially since there were no other ways of watching things.  We didn't have Internet, no cell phones, Kindles, whatever...we didn't have it.  Crazy thought huh?  My parents finally caved and we borrowed a small 12 inch TV to use to watch the OJ Simpson trial.  My mom and I were hooked with that trial. And then from there I remember coming home from High School, I would make a lunch (I got out for the day at 12:30 my senior year) and then I would eat while I watched a Northern Exposure episode on that same 12 inch TV (they would play a rerun everyday).  Oh, how I loved that show.

But anyway...there are a couple of shows that I am just in love with right now!
This is true, good TV!

I love all the different story lines that come from each sibling's family.  Each one is so different from the next.  Plus, they all live close to one another...a dream of mine.

Downton Abbey.
Now, who is not in love with this show?!
It is just so, so good!  I get lost in it and I just love all the characters!
Except for the relationship between Anna and Mr. Bates...Mr. Bates kinda bugs me.

I hate having to wait a week to watch another show.  That's the worst.  
But I sure do love those evenings when we get the kids to bed and then I can cozy up on the sofa with Ryan, with a fire going in the fireplace and our little laptop set up on the table and watch a show.  I know he's so thrilled about it too!  (slight sarcasm).  

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