Monday, January 14, 2013

Weekend Review

We had a great weekend.  Friday afternoon Ryan watched the girls so I could meet up with Jeff at Sundance to take advantage of the fresh powder.  However, driving up the canyon to get there was pretty scary, I nearly turned around.  The roads were very slippy and the snow was dumping!  Police were having people turn around if they didn't have chains or 4wheel drive.  Luckily, my sweet jeeper got me up there safe and I found Jeffy.  We had so much fun...but it was COLD and snowing pretty good the whole time...but the powder was awesome.

Jeffy and me on the lift.
Check out my sweet snow beard.  My face was pretty much frozen so I could have had snot and/or drool all over and I would have never known.

That looked like a good place to lay in the snow...or I may have biffed it.

Saturday I hit up yoga...Jeffy joined me this time.  I'm diggin' it.  And then Ryan skied with Jeff all afternoon. I know...we got some quality time with my little brother this weekend!  

I took the girls to the library and then they watched movies in the afternoon...yes, was a lazy afternoon/evening.

Sunday we churched it up at our new time at 9:00 am.  I'm pretty sure this is our favorite time.  For those out of the know...our church changes times every year...last year we had 1:00...and next year we'll have 11:00.  But anyway, yeah, I'm diggin' the 9-12 time slot.  I love having the rest of the afternoon to do whatever we want...and in this case it was spent sitting by the fire and making these bad boys.

Snickerdoodle brownies.
I'm a big snickerdoodle fan, and these did not disappoint! They are so, so good!
You can find the recipe here.

In other news, it was -1 when I dropped the girls off at school this morning!  -1!!  Where am I living...North Dakota?!!  We haven't seen temps like these in a long time.  And if we do have temps like these they certainly don't last week after week like they have been.  The dogs however, are loving it since they pretty much live in the house now.

Ryan is in CO this week, so I'm holding down the fort.

Happy Monday.


  1. Ok, that recipe looks divine and I will give up some of the brown sugar I am hoarding (there is only one tiny health foods store here that sells it and it is over $7 for a teeny bag) to make these Snickerdoodle brownies!
