Thursday, January 31, 2013

On a mission.

I'm on a mission to get into shape...and lose about 5 pounds.
I've hit a brick wall weight wise and just recently pounds have started creeping back on.  It may or may not have something to do with the consumption of a lot of cake recently.  What can I say...I love my sweets!

So, lately I've been doing yoga twice a week and skiing once or twice a week, crunches every night, and the occasional running up and down the stairs...but I need more.  So, this morning I attempted to go for a jog. 
My jog turned into more of power walk instead...unfortunately, my knees can't handle jogging very well.  But then again, I probably walk faster than my lame jog anyway.  Either way, it felt good to get out in the crisp morning air.  

I want to be consistent with my new goal of getting some type of physical exercise everyday...that's right, everyday!

Do you think sex can count?
Just wondering.