Monday, February 4, 2013

Weekend Review

This picture of Piper was actually taken last week, but she's just so darn cute I had to share it.  Also, that's a big mound of snow in our yard!!  

 Friday evening I took the girls skiing.  I think they were a bit on the tired side as Morgan had three spills the very first run we did.  But it was still fun to get out...and, while we were there we got to see my brother, Jeffy, participate in Sundance's Race Series.  What a thrill that was!  And he got third place!

Saturday was yoga and library with the girls while Ryan went for a ride.

That evening we had pizza and movie night!
We watched a Disney Nature film, African Cats.
Something a little different.  Haley is really into African animals right now so this was right up her alley!
And since it was Disney it was really geared toward children.  It didn't show any gruesome scenes of lions tearing up gazelles or little babies getting eaten.  (it did happen, but you didn't see it) And no animals gettin' it on.  So like I said, very kid friendly.

Sunday we churched it up and then watched another movie with our friends.  This movie was part of our Oscar prep. The Pirates! Band of Misfits is up for animated best picture.
And I'm happy to report that the girls really enjoyed this one!  None of them cried or ran out of the room in fear...a happy day for all!

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