Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Another one from the Barrett household, sick again.  What's new right?  This time Haley and Piper are suffering from Strep throat.  Unbelievable.  I'm feeling very discouraged this season.  I feel like we have become the "sick family"...I hate being that family.  You know those families...they always have a kid with a runny nose, or the kid with a cough that never goes away.  I don't want to be that family!  But alas, here we are.

Let me just add (in case you forgot) that we suffered from some type of illness from the middle of November until the first week of January...kid you not, someone was sick that entire time with colds and/or barfing...oh and don't forget the pink eye.  Then, we got a couple of weeks where everyone was healthy (that was nice) and now, here we go again thanks to strep throat.

Give me strength.

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