Monday, January 28, 2013

Weekend Review

We had a pretty nice weekend.  
Unfortunately Ryan had to work Saturday, but the girls and I stayed busy that morning making cookies.  It always amazes me the mess we can create when all the girls are in the kitchen!  But the cookies turned out cute and pretty darn good.

As soon as Ryan came home that afternoon I hit slopes.  I was able to meet up with my brother Jeff and skied a couple of hours with him.  Not sure if I mentioned it, but he's a ski instructor at Sundance and a pretty amazing skier.  He's been working with me on my technique...and I will say's really hard to break bad habits!  But I'll get it...eventually.  He's a great teacher!  If you ever want lessons at Sundance, make a special request to get him, Jeff'll be glad you did!  

That evening after the kids were in bed Ryan and I watched Beasts of the Southern Wild.  Another movie up for Best Picture.
Honestly, I wasn't big on it.  Didn't make a whole lot since to me, or perhaps my brain just isn't big enough to understand the deep meaning of it all.  Basically...I didn't like it.  Not my vote for best picture.  Next week we'll try another!

Sunday evening we celebrated Jeff's birthday!
It was fun to have everyone together...and to have an excuse to eat cake!
Happy Monday Everyone!

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