Thursday, March 21, 2013

Dining Room: Progress

Since Ryan has been out of town this week our meals consist of left overs and mac and cheese.  In other words, very little prep or cooking for me.  So, I've been taking advantage of the extra time (when Rory is asleep in the afternoon) to finish painting in the dining room.  Yesterday I finally finished the trim and I think that really made the color on the walls look so much better!  The walls are Sherwin Williams in Evening Shadow and the trim is the stock white they have on hand.  I really like it! 

The room before.

And after!

The pink pom pom thing is left over from Valentine's.  I left it because it distracts my eyes from looking at the hideous brass light fixture straight out of the 80's.
So, things that I still have to tackle for this room: new light fixture and new artwork.
And the doors still need to be painted white to match the trim.
Slowly, but surely.


  1. Love the new color!! Have had a few friends who simply spray painted their ugly brass fixtures. Cheap fix!
