Friday, March 22, 2013


I won't lie, this week has been tough without Ryan.  Can I complain a little?  I feel like complaining.  I'm not sure what happened...I've hit a brick wall...I've had it...I need a break.  Rory has NOT been sleeping well this week.  Last night she got up every hour until 2 in the morning.  To get her to calm down I have to pat her back for about ten minutes in my zombie-like state and then very quietly tip toe out of the room.  Sometimes it works, sometimes she just has to cry it out.  Plus, Piper wakes up throughout the night because she accidentally rolls onto her back and hits her staples in her head...which hurts, really bad!  I'll rock her a bit to calm her down.  And then Morgan has had nightmares the last two nights, which results in her sleeping in my bed.  Needless to say, I'm tired.

Also I've been suffering from Baby-Attached-To-Leg Syndrome this week.
It sucks the life force right out of you and it also adds about 15 minutes to any given task you are trying to accomplish.  Another side effect is a horrible feeling that someone is always watching you.  And sometimes loud screaming accompanies it.

I was at my wits end at the store today.  Maybe it was the constant yelling, "Don't touch!!  That's glass!" to Piper.  Or the fact that I lost her twice in the clothes racks which results in me shouting, "Piper?!!  Piper?!!  Piper come out right now!!!"  Or the fact that she has to use the bathroom as much as a old man!  The second time she she asked to go of course I was the furthest possible point from the bathroom with a cart full...I nearly started crying.  I know...I'm not sure what came over me.  All I wanted to do was finish picking out a frame that I needed.  I didn't want to take anyone to the bathroom AGAIN!  

And that's how I've been feeling all week.  Tired and on the verge of tears.  Weak?  Yep, pretty much...and I'm okay with that.  

Just a side note:  As I was driving around this morning the one thing that I knew would make me feel better was a cup a coffee.  It would make my headache go away and it would perk me up.  It would help me feel alive again after this weeks lack of sleep.  It took ALL my will power not to pull into the Starbucks and grab a cup.  And even now as the weather took a turn (snow today) all I want is to sit here with a nice warm cup of coffee.  It will make any pain go away.

Sheesh, I sound like a druggie or something.

Anyway, Ryan comes home this evening...thank goodness.  I'll try not to tackle him and grab him by the shirt and say something like, "Please!!  Please!!  Don't ever leave me again!!!"

Happy Weekend ya'll.

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