Friday, March 8, 2013

Leave it to kids to tell you straight.

So the other day as I was walking the girls home from school Haley says to me (very seriously), "Mom, why do you always wear sweats?  You never wear, you know fashiony things."  I know, kinda killed me a little.  

I first explained that most days I don't go anywhere and like to wear something comfortable while I do work around the house.  But then I thought about it...and the truth is, even the days that DO go somewhere I still wear sweats.  Haley is right.  I don't wear fashiony things that often...okay, rarely do I wear fashiony things.  Do you like how I'm using Haley's word "fashiony"...I kinda like it.  I think Sundays is the only day of the week that I usually get "dressed up" and even then I lack accessories and fun things to go with my and such.  

Truth is, I have been stalling with buying new clothes.  First off, I rarely buy anything for myself, I just don't.  And if I do I'll grab something from Ross, TJ Max or even Costco (and sadly now that I think about it...really the only thing I've bought from these places have been sweats/yoga pants).  Aaaaahhhhhh...I'm the woman in the store buying new sweats while I'm wearing sweats!!  I know, sad.  But secondly, I'm stalling because I really, really, really want to lose five more pounds to get my middle section back to the way (or close to the way) it was pre-Rory.  

But with that said, I really do NOT want to get caught in a rut.  One of my big housewife fears...turning into a pony-tail, sweat wearing nightmare that Ryan comes home to everyday!  Nobody wants that!  And I want to be an example to my girls.  I don't want my girls to be embarrassed by me, that really scares me!!  "There's my those dang burgundy sweats again."  

It's amazing how our children will push us to be and do our best.  Like I've said before, I need them just as much as they need me. 

Anyway, I've been trying to step it up a bit.  However, some days it's just not practical...I mean, I'm not going to be on my hands and knees scrubbing the kitchen floor in jeans and a nice top...that just won't happen.  But days that I do have errands to run and such I'll try to glam it up a bit.  

This week in my attempt to glam it up I played around with my hair.

Va va voom!
And I'll add that I'm totally wearing jeans in this picture, NOT sweats!

Granted as I was doing my hair Piper and Rory ran havoc through house.  They drew marker all over the toilet, broke a nail polish bottle (that could have been real bad, but luckily it just made a mess all over my hands), and they got into the cotton balls.  That's the reality of it.  But hey, my house may have been a mess, but I had pretty hair!!

So here's to the Bringing Sexy Back Housewife Challenge.