Monday, March 11, 2013

Weekend Review

The sickies came our way again, as Ryan was down with strep all weekend and Piper had a mystery fever Saturday evening (luckily it was gone by Sunday morning).  What is up with this winter season?!!  It's kicking our butt!  I'm craving warmth and everyone being healthy longer than a month!!  

I had to share this picture.
 That's Haley in the drizzling rain picking up dog poop...yucky, old, soggy dog poop.  We didn't even ask her.  I was working at the sink and looked up and found her doing it all on her own.  This girl would be in heaven if she was born on a farm.  She has a special spot for animals in her heart, and she could care less about dirt and grime...or dog poop in this case.  I should really look into getting her involved in a 4H program where she can take care of a cow or goat or something...she would LOVE it!

The weather is really starting to look like spring!  Sunday was just beautiful!
I couldn't resist...Morgan and I hit the slopes after church.  It felt so good to soak in the sun!
The week is going to continue to get Friday it will be in the 60's!!  I've decided to start painting a couple of rooms this week since I'll be able to clean up brushes outside again.  I'm thinking the dining room first.  Now if I can just get Rory to take looooong peaceful naps and keep a little 2 year old busy I may actually finish something this week!  Wish me luck!

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