Thursday, March 14, 2013

Paint and Sunshine

I've been keeping busy this week.  I started painting the dining room, which as been quite the task with two kids at home!  Yesterday Rory decided not to nap very well.  So I had a screaming baby in one ear and I had Piper in my other yelling at me to do random tasks for her...putting on barbie clothes, getting her milk, finding her a blanket, helping her pee, making her some toast, just wanting me to watch her on and so on.  And all I wanted to do was paint the dang wall!!!  I tell ya, nothing like starting a project to raise my stress level!  Why do I bother?  I did manage to paint two walls so far.  Today I decided to take a break and wait until the weekend when Ryan can help me watch the kids a bit.  I don't feel like rushing through the job worrying that Rory will wake up at any moment so I better-slap-on-the-paint-with-no-care-to-how-it-looks attitude or dealing with Piper throwing out demands nonstop making me have to put the brush down every two minutes.  No thanks.  I'll wait until the weekend.  (Although, how much you want to bet Rory will  nap like a champ today...that's how it always works!)  Thankfully it's the dining room and I can just close the doors and no one can see my unfinished paint job.  As for the color I picked out, the jury is still out on whether or not I like it.  I was going for gray with hint of blue.  But it looks more like blue, with a hint of gray.    I'm not stopping and starting over though, no way.  I'll work with what I've got.  But since I've started, I think it's growing on me.  

The weather has been amazing this week!  I think it was around 70 yesterday!  The kids have been outside every chance they get, I love it!  Haley has taken to walking the dogs everyday which is a big help.  She also cleans out the kennel and feeds them.  I love that she can take on more responsibility now that she's getting older, and she enjoys it so much!  

View from my walk this morning.
The sun shining on the valley.
It looked better in me.

Confession:  I went on errands multiple times this week and on all occasions I wore my hair pulled back and sweats/yoga pants.  See this post if you are confused.

Can't win them all I guess.

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