Monday, March 18, 2013

Weekend Review

Friday I was able to stop in and have a much needed visit with a friend from my old neighborhood.  It was wonderful to catch up!  I let too much time go since the last time I saw her...I don't want to do that again!  And oh, how the memories flooded back as soon as I drove into the neighborhood!  When we moved from CA 9 years ago this was our first introduction to Utah and we had no idea what we were getting into, but those neighbors welcomed us with open arms.  I knew every single person that lived on our street and always felt I could go to any of them for anything...always!  Except for "Grumpy"...he's the only exception. 

I drove past our old house, and although we still own it, I miss it.  Such good memories there.
Haley and Morgan in 2009.

Saturday morning I went for my first ride of the year...a mountain bike ride no less.  We may be buying a new bike for me from a friend so I was trying it out.  It's pretty nice, and considering my ability level it's probably too nice for me!  But I do like it!  However, I was a bit discouraged as I am so slow!  I think an 80 year old women walked past me like I was standing still!  Okay...I made that part up...but seriously, I was slow.  I had to walk up some steep pitches was sad.  So considering that, I felt like a poser riding such a fancy schmancy bike.  But whatever.
The top tube...unfortunately, no matter how much that was staring me in the face, I still had to walk in places.

Sunday we churched it up and then had a really nice dinner at my brother's house.
It was fun to get together with everyone!

In other news Rory has been extra clingy to me these last few days...and to be honest it's kinda wearing me down.  She did not sleep well last night and I was up most the night with her.  I slept in the spare room with her pretty much laying on my face the entire night.  Good times.  I'm pretty much running on fumes today as I'm pretty worn out.  Ryan leaves tomorrow for CO, so here's to hoping I'll be able to manage the rest of the week okay.

I'll leave you with this little video of Piper.  
With the iphone she can watch herself as I'm recording...I think it tripped her out.  

Happy Monday.

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