Saturday, April 13, 2013

Deer Valley

Jeffy, Ryan, Me, and my dad on the lift.

We scored some free tickets for Deer Valley in Park City from some pretty awesome friends.  Thank you, thank we couldn't afford that place any other way!  For the record, I have never been to any other resort besides Sundance in Utah.  And of course Sundance has a little special place in my's our home away from home in the winter.  But, oh my goodness, Deer Valley is HUGE!!  We had such a great day!  Everything was perfect...the weather, the food, the company...we had a blast!  

My mom watched the little ones (thank you mom, you are a hero) and the older two ended up walking home with friends after school and stayed with them for the afternoon.  It worked out great!

Today we are gearing up for Piper's little Birthday party this evening!  

Happy Weekend!

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