Monday, April 15, 2013

Piper's Party

We celebrated Piper's 3rd birthday Saturday evening.  It was a low key affair just with family...grandparents,  aunt, uncles, and of course little Jett.  It was a really nice night!  

Just for the record, I put Piper in a cute dress.  And then at some point in the day she got in trouble so I put her in her room for a few minutes.  When I went to get her again this was the outfit she was wearing...I figured since she did all that work herself I'll leave her in it.  I think the skirt she's wearing is really for a 12 month old...whatever.

Piper had been using one of Haley and Morgan's old scooter for quite a while...that thing was in bad shape.  So one of the things she got was her very own brand new scooter!  She was thrilled!

I made her a rainbow cake, but she didn't touch it.  She's an ice cream girl!

Happy Birthday Piper!!
We love you!

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