Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Laundry Room Makeover

You are now entering my laundry room...all the not so good, bad and the ugly. 
 That door lead to the garage so this room is our main thoroughfare.  This is where shoes are thrown off, backpacks dumped and jackets thrown.  It becomes quite a mess as this is probably one of the most non user friendly rooms EVER!

This room also shares my pantry behind those accordion doors.

There are a ton of cabinets which is good.  However, each cabinet has a divider (I should have taken a picture) in the middle making them extremely frustrating to fit large objects or boxes.  I'm so ready to rip those cabinets doors off, tear out the divider thing and just have open shelving with baskets and such.  Of course I'm also dreaming of painting all the cabinets white!

On the other side of the cabinets is another closet which houses random odds and ends.  
This is where the first project will begin!

I've decided (with the help of my dad) to rip out all the shelving in this closet to create a "mud room"!
Yesterday we took off the doors and started cleaning it out.  I also bought the wood to get started!
The plan is to build a bench that will fit in there with storage under it.  There will be a row of big hooks to hang things and storage above.  It will be wonderful!!  I can't wait!
Can you see my beloved coffee maker.  *sniff, sniff*  I still can't part with it.

This room needs a ton of work, so this is just the beginning!
Stay tuned!

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