Monday, April 22, 2013

Laundry Room Progress

My dad with measuring tape in hand doing some major brain work.

Let's face dad is the brains behind this project!  My job is to hold boards while he saws, hammer some nails, I used the jigsaw a little, and I fork over the money when it's time to buy materials.  We made quite a bit of progress last week...the bench is in!  However, we ran into a road block when we discovered that a lot of the remaining pieces for the trim and molding needs to be special ordered because of the wonky custom sizes we need.  Plus, my dad flew back to LB today for a couple of weeks.  So the project is on hold for a bit.  

Perhaps I can get the living room painted in the meantime?

We had a great, birthday party for my nephew, church, and bike riding.  I'm looking forward to this week with the warmer temps!
Happy Monday!

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