Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Sick Day

Haley chillin' in Piper's tent last week.

Today Haley is home sick...sick with a fever.  Actually, as I write this she's out in the backyard with the dogs playing...yes, with a fever.  She has been BEGGING me to let her go outside since this morning.  I held her off for as long as I could...I was able to keep her inside until 1:30...I can't do it anymore.  I figure a little vitamin D couldn't hurt as it's a beautiful day!  Isn't it funny how kids can still run around with a fever?  How is that possible?

I hope this little fever is short lived and we'll be back to normal tomorrow.

I've been feeling a little discouraged lately.  I feel like laundry has become my life...seriously.  The past three days I've done probably more than 10 loads of laundry and there are baskets that are STILL full!  How is that?!!  This morning I made waffles, did two loads of laundry, made a dessert for a funeral lunch in our ward, did some dinner prep, cleaned the kitchen, scrubbed the floors and I'm still surrounded by messes.  I feel as though I clean all day and yet no one can see that I've done anything.  Do you feel like that sometimes?  And now finally I just want to sit and turn a blind eye to it all!  All I want to do is take a nap.

Anyway, enough complaining!  Gotta keep on keepin' on!

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