Friday, April 5, 2013

Dinosaur National Monument

Yesterday we decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather and do a day trip to Dinosaur National Monument...about 3 hours away.  We caravaned with my parents and Jeff's girlfriend Jen (Jeff had class).  

We were on the fence about doing that long of a drive just for a day trip...I mean, we would be in the car for six hours!  But in the end we decided to stick with the plan and I'm so glad we did!  There is actually quite a bit to do there and we would like to go back and maybe camp next time.  The girls absolutely loved it!  In fact that could have spent hours just at one of the old homesteads pretending they were Sarah and Anna from the book Sarah, Plain and Tall.  It was cute to watch them run all over playing.  

After the Visitor Center we toured the Quarry.  It was quite fascinating really.  These bones were washed away during a massive flood and then dried up leaving behind a massive wall of fossils in one central location.  The picture doesn't do it justice, it was really impressive!

I had to snap this picture of Haley talking to the Ranger.  I love that she's not bashful and is always asking questions.

There were also tons of petroglyphs in the park from the Fremont Indians.

Hiking around the area.  I'm sure this place would look so beautiful had things been in bloom!  But it was still pretty!

We'll have to go back to do some more exploring!

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