Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Easter 2013

Saturday afternoon the girls dyed the eggs.  One slight mishap: Piper ate the pink dye tablet.  She was able spit some of it out, but that thing dissolved instantly!  So just in case you're wondering why she has a pink mouth in the picture...that's why.

Sunday morning with their baskets.

After church we headed over to grandma and grandpa's house.  My parents arrived into town Saturday night and they'll be sticking around for a while...which makes me very happy!  


Easter egg hunt!

The girls with cousin Jett.

Jeff's girlfriend, Jen, is also in town.

 Me with my brothers...my bearded brothers.  I love it when we can all be together!
It was a wonderful day!  My mom cooked up a great dinner and had all kinds of neat things for the kids.  They had a ball!

Andrew headed back home yesterday...it was sad to see him go.  And this week is the girls' Spring Break.  On Easter it was in the 70's!!  But unfortunately, it's been rainy since then.  I'll have to come up with some fun things for the kids to do this week!

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