Saturday, May 11, 2013

5K and sick kid.

Haley and Morgan's school held their annual 5 K fun run Friday morning.  This year I ran it with Morgan and Ryan ran with Haley.  I was so impressed with them both!!  Haley ran the entire thing without stopping once!  And Morgan did such a super job...she was all smiles the whole way!
I'm so proud of them!!

The weather has been warming up these past few days...feels a bit like summer!

In other news...our little Rory is sick with the harfs.  We have a pretty big event next weekend (our temple sealing!!) so of course something like this had to happen.  This is just how our luck is...if we have anything major coming up, it never fails, a kid will get sick.  So if I wasn't stressed out before (which I have been), now I'm completely stressed!!  I DO NOT want to have to cancel and push back our sealing!!  Too many things are in place now...we have family flying and driving in on Thursday!

Please, PLEASE, I need everyone healthy!!  Someone can get sick Sunday after the sealing is over...heck, they can even get sick Saturday night after the sealing....BUT NOT FRIDAY OR SATURDAY!!!

Say a prayer for us.

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