Thursday, May 9, 2013

Weekly Race Series: Sundance

I'm continuing my quest to being a full fledged mountain biker.  

This week I tackled riding in the mud.  The weather was hit and miss all day, but an hour or so before the race the sun was out and things were looking good.  Unfortunately it didn't last long, as it started to pour rain as soon as we were off the line.  The trail got really slippy fast!  It definitely wasn't what I had in mind!  And at one point I pulled the "There you see her...and then you don't" move by riding along and then quickly losing my balance, unable to clip out of my pedal I fell the long way down the mountain into the trees and disappeared from sight (had there been someone to witness it that is).  I got a massive bruise to my butt/hip to prove it.  But that's all part of it...right?

My chain eventually fell off, and the mud was caked on so bad I could not get that sucker back on!  I ended up having to throw in the towel and coasting back down the mountain.  I wasn't alone, and many people had a mechanical and were forced to end early.

But all in all it was still good fun!

Classic mud butt.

Oh, and in case you were wondering...I got my white kit looking good again.  Thank you oxy clean.

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