Monday, May 6, 2013

Weekend Review

We had a pretty fun filled weekend.  We kicked it off by going to the girls' school carnival Friday evening.  My mom was able to join me, which was good because Ryan was in St. George working and it's always helpful to have another set of eyes to watch my kids!  Although, once we got there Haley and Morgan took off and we pretty much didn't see them.  Of course until it was time to eat, and then they find their way back to me.  But I love their independence at events like brings back memories to when I was their age at my school carnivals...such fun!  And then that evening Haley and Morgan got to spend the night at grandma's house...this was icing on the cake for them!  Morgan claimed it to be the "best day ever"! 

On Saturday we loaded up the family and headed out of town to watch the Collegiate Nationals in Ogden.  We got to cheer on our Alma Mater as they completely dominated the other teams!  And of course we were able do a lot of reminiscing of our own glory days.    
When we arrived the girls were wearing my old jerseys from when I raced.  They passed by a few guys from Marian and the guys promptly did a double take at the girls and then they all looked at each other, "Those jerseys are so ooooooold!!!"  That made my heart hurt a little...are we really THAT old?  But I suppose when we think about it, it was about 17 years ago when we raced collegiate...those Marian riders were babies when I was racing in those jerseys!!
 The girls kept a sharpie in their back pocket and every Marian rider they saw they got their autograph.  All the riders were so gracious and seemed like such good kids.  I wonder if they get into the same amount of mischief and good ol' tom foolery as we did.
Like I said, Marian completely dominated and it's no surprise that they ended up winning the overall!  I'm so impressed!

Of course I had to dig up some photos from our day.  Oh...what great memories!  

 After the race we grabbed something to eat and a little local pizza place in downtown Ogden.  The girls left their mark on the chalkboard wall they had there.  I'm glad Una made the cut.

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