Thursday, May 2, 2013

Happy May!

 We celebrated May Day yesterday by passing out our traditional flower bouquets to our neighbors.  
Always good fun!

Then we loaded up and headed out to Heber for my very first mountain bike race!
It was very chilly and I was very nervous!!
The location wasn't the greatest for spectating, and there wasn't a whole lot for kids to do.  Oh, and no bathrooms...and  as the picture shows, not a whole lot of suitable bushes either.  
The girls would have been fine (they don't really have too many issues with peeing in the great outdoors), but when a couple of them say they have to take care of different business, then we have a problem!  So after being at the race for about two minutes, we loaded back into the car down the hill to a gas station.  Kids have great timing, don't they?

But anyway, the race was good fun!  I signed up with the beginners and I don't think I did too bad!  Not sure what my final result was as it was FREEZING and we decided not to stick around after.  

This will be a weekly thing, so hopefully I'll get better as time goes on.  Ryan brought up that I've raced track, road, cross and now mountain bike.  I never thought about that...pretty cool...I'm kinda proud of myself.  No, I will not be doing any BMX...sorry folks.

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