Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Best Weekend Ever

So we had been planning a little weekend getaway for a couple of months...a little post sealing celebration for Ryan and I.  Second honeymoon?  Yes, please!  My little brother, Jeffy, scored us a deal on a suite at Sundance and my folks watched our kids (well...mostly my mom, lets face it).  So a BIG huge thanks to them!

So Saturday evening, feeling like two young kids playing hooky, we grabbed some Cafe Rio and drove up the mountain!  It's been well over a year (I was pregnant with Rory) since our last getaway, so I don't take these outings for granted!!

Our cozy room.  Does Ryan look a bit mischievous in this picture???

We just so happened to be there on the same night as the full moon lift ride.  Perfect timing!  We'll have to take the kids back for the next one...they would love it!!

We had a wood burning fireplace too!  Sure didn't pass that up!!

The next morning we hit up brunch and pretty much put everyone else there to shame.  Seriously, I think our waiter was a bit surprised to how much we put away.  Yeah...we killed it!  

After we completely stuffed ourselves, we peeked into the Spa to say hello to Jeffy who was working.  He set us up with some tea and let us chill on the patio.  There's something about being able to have uninterrupted conversations or just sit in complete silence.  It's wonderful.
And before we headed back down the mountain we took advantage of our lift passes and hit up some mountain biking for a bit.  Good fun!  Except for that part when I totally biffed it directly under the lift in front of everyone...that wasn't so cool.  

And that was that.  We headed back home feeling refreshed!!  It was a perfect weekend...just perfect!!

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