Thursday, May 30, 2013

Memorial Day

We spent Memorial Day at Camp Floyd.  We had been there recently before, but this time they had a Civil War reenactment going on.  It was the last day my folks were in town so it was fun to be able to spend the day with them!  

They let the kids do a little reenactment complete with jackets, hats, and guns.  Haley and Morgan were a little reluctant to participate (Haley thought it was too boyish and really didn't like dressing up like a soldier)...but they gave it a go looking a little awkward being completely out of their element!
Morgan (with the bonnet), looking somewhat happy in the beginning.

 Haley, on the far left, wondering if the gun she's holding is real (it's not, of course) completely oblivious to the directions the leader is saying.

 "PREPARE TO FIRE!!!!"  Morgan (far right) is starting to have second thoughts on her decision to participate.  I can tell she wants out and I motion her to come to me.

The look on her face as she says, "Mom, I don't want to do this!!"
Sweet little Morgan.

Haley sticks it out...although, she pretty much had no idea what she was doing.  I'm sure she was day dreaming about puppies or something the entire time. 

Funny how boys (most boys) just go nuts over this kind of thing!  My girls...not so much.

They are a little different from me when I was little.  I was around guns growing dad brothers hunt now.  We visited the range often shooting targets and cans when we went to the mountains. And I'll occasionally do some skeet shooting (although it's been many years since the last time I went).  I was gifted my first gun when I was 12...still own it to this day.  And it's a little known fact that I'm a lifetime member of the NRA.  You probably didn't see that one coming, huh?  It's true.  It was a membership given to me from my grandfather.  

Anyway, my girls have absolutely NO interest in guns...but, I'm fine with that.

In other is the last day of school!  Wow...can't believe it's already Summer!

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