Friday, May 31, 2013

Weekly Race Series: Soldier Hollow

Last night we loaded the family up to Soldier Hollow for this weeks mountain bike race.  This time it was the biathlon where we ride and shoot...just like in the skiing biathlon.  Jeffy joined us and we had such a good time! 

I'm not sure how I feel about this photo.  Jeffy looks great, but I kinda look like a guy.  Where are my boobs?!  Oh wait, that's right...they deflated after I finished nursing Rory.  *sigh*  I miss them.

I have to hand it to Ryan...he wasn't feeling all that great (a little stomach bug going around our house) but he still managed to dig deep and chase the kids around while I raced!  What a guy!

Unfortunately, I won't be able to race next week because Ryan will be in Quebec for work.  But I may still go with kids and cheer on Jeff anyway.  I love this series!

Happy Weekend ya'll!

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