Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Guess what... little Piper is sick.

Piper at the school carnival a couple of weeks ago.

Yep, Rory gifted Piper the same stomach bug she had last week.  And guess what else.  Our big day for us to be sealed as a family in the Provo Temple is Saturday...that's three days away.  Family is coming...the countdown is on.  I'm a total stress case right now.  We thought of cancelling in fear that someone will wake up Saturday morning sick, but then there are family members already making the trek here today!  So, we're pressing forward.  I'm not sure why my family has the worst luck when it comes to illness.  And why my family has to deal with the stomach flu twice within 6 months.  I mean, come on!!  Give me a break!

So, here's to a speedy recovery for my little Piper and for everyone else to stay healthy!  I really would hate for someone to barf in the sealing room.

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