Monday, May 20, 2013

For Time and all Eternity

So, I know everyone is on pins and needles waiting to find out if anyone launched in the sealing room.  Well, I'm happy to tell you that NO ONE got sick this weekend!  Everything went just as planned...I sure am glad we didn't decide to cancel!  

It was a beautiful experience and just wonderful weekend! I had family and friends that joined us...some that I hadn't seen in years!  And to see our four girls come into the sealing room dressed in white brought tears to my eyes!  We all agreed they looked like angles!  And kneeling at the alter, holding hands with the ones I hold most precious in my life filled me with so much joy and happiness!  It was truly special.

The weather was a bit rainy.  However, just as we came out the rain stopped just long enough for us to snap a few pictures!  

This was our attempt to get a picture of the girls.  It didn't work out so well.  And just so you know, Piper is NOT trying to strangle Rory, I think she wanted to face her toward the camera.  But I suppose we'll never know for sure.

After pictures we had a fabulous lunch at our house.  I loved having my house bursting at the seams with people and food!  

Thank you to everyone who shared the weekend with us...we felt so loved!

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