Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Haley, the brave.

Last week Haley auditioned with her fellow third graders to perform in the school talent show.  She sang "Billy Boy".  And what do you know, she was chosen for the school wide talent show!!  She was thrilled, as were we!  So this morning we made our way to the school to see her perform.  

All smiles before she went up.

Now, let me just say, Haley is NOTHING like I was when it comes to getting up in front of people.  I would have probably fainted in fear the minute they handed me the microphone.  There is NO WAY I would have ever done something like this when I was kid!!  So I'm especially proud of her.  She has no fear when it comes to performing in front of others.  I truly admire that.

She didn't have any accompany music...it was just her and a microphone in front of all those people.  And she did a darn good job too!

After the show was over and Haley went back to class we walked the halls to look at all the art displays.  As we walked passed the boys bathroom we heard a boy in there singing Billy Boy.  Gotta love it.

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