Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Everyday Life

This month Rory turned 18 months, which is a pretty big deal at our church because now she's able to go to nursery.  Piper is still in nursery, so it was so cute to watch them walk to class together hand-in-hand.  

And how do like those bows mom?!  Not too bad, huh?  

For the record...I'm the world's worst at tying a bow...which is pretty sad considering a have four girls.  

This transition to nursery has been bitter-sweet for me.  It's nice to have my lap free of a child; not having to excuse myself from my class because Rory is being loud; endlessly walking the halls trying to get her to fall asleep; or after my class having to pick up scattered Cheerios, books, toys and whatever else I had to use in desperation for her to play quietly while I tried to listen to the lesson being given.  So yeah, it was a bit odd on Sunday to actually sit without any distractions around me.  But then, it's kinda sad, because this is just a sign that my baby is growing up way too fast!

Piper, who used to be my dream baby when it came to sleeping,  has now refused to sleep in her bed.  Every night she pitches a fit with lots of yelling and it usually ends with her like this.
We transfer her to her bed when we go to sleep and then about 1:30 in morning she wakes up and comes into our room and sleeps on our floor.  Every night, it's the exact same.  I really don't want to fight this battle, so I'm just hoping she grows out of it.

And speaking of sleeping, I took Rory's morning nap away and I'm now transitioning her to one afternoon nap a day.  Sometimes it goes well...sometimes she eats lunch like this:

I'm kinda glad we don't have normal TV with channels.  Evening TV is pure crap for kids...really, it is.  So I"m thankful for our library and the chance to pick out some fun shows (shows that I grew up with) for the kids to watch this Summer.  First up, Little House on the Prairie.  Really, you can't get much better than this!!  
The girls have really enjoyed it!  And me!!  It's so nostalgic!  I've been trying really hard not to cry during every show.  But every time Micheal Landon cries I'm reaching for the Kleenex!  He has to be the world's best I right?!  We've knocked out Season 1 in these past few weeks.  I'm thinking today we need to pick up Season 2.

And speaking nostalgic things...this Summer I started reading Anne of Green Gables to Haley and Morgan. You can see that my copy has been loved for many years.

Now, I know I'm not alone when I say I loves these books!  Just about every woman was fascinated with this series as a little girl!  It has been so fun to reread them!  I hope my girls enjoy them as much as I do!

In other news, tonight is the Weekly Race Series in Heber this time.  I have a bit of a cold, but I'm gonna dig deep and get out there!!

1 comment:

  1. Anne of Green Gables is my absolute favorite--your library probably has the movies as well, which I am sure the girls will love! Not sure Eston is going to love them, though I do remember making my brother watch them and he turned out okay.
