Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Cooking with Kelly: Grilled Salmon

It's been a great long while since I posted a recipe!  So here's a family favorite that is so super easy and fast! It's sure to please everyone...I promise! 

Grilled Salmon

salmon fillets (we'll cook up 5 for our family)
olive oil
steak seasonings
Parmesan cheese (I'm not fancy...I use Kraft...straight out of the green jar)

Lay the fillets onto a cookie sheet and give it a good coating of the olive oil.  Sprinkle the steak seasonings and cheese all over it...and throw it on the grill!

About 6 minutes per side and you're dinner is done!

And don't forget the left over bits on the cage...
pure goodness right there, people...pure goodness.

Wasn't that easy?!  Just throw some rice and a salad on the table and you're good to go!

And speaking of food.  This week the girls are celebrating Yucky Cereal Week!  
They finally decided to try something other than Trix this time.
Yucky cereal weeks: 2009,  2010,  2012 (not sure what happened to 2011)
See what I mean about getting Trix?!  Way to step out of your comfort zone girls!

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