Monday, June 10, 2013

Springville Museum of Art

Every year Springville holds a kids art festival.  I took the girls years ago (when I only had Haley and Morgan).  It was a bit hellish for me if I remember was pretty crowded...and you know how I am with crowds...I hate them.  Plus, trying to keep track of two crazy girls in that crowd alone wasn't too fun for me.  

So with that super fun experience and the fact that we have two more kids to add to the mix, we decided to hit up the art festival this year.  But it turns out we were a day off!  We drove there just to find out that the art festival was Friday not Saturday!  I promise I did NOT do that on purpose!!

But it wasn't all bad.  We decided to tour the museum instead.  And here's a little secret...I have never been there before.  I know, pretty lame considering I've lived in this area for close to nine years now!  In fact, there's a ton of artsy fartsy stuff that we haven't done around here!  We should remedy that!

Piper analyzing some art.
I really would like to know what was going on in her head at that moment.

The museum is really reminds me of an old Spanish Mission.  And they have a really nice outside  patio with an area to sit and space for the kids to run around...which is crucial when you have four kids who were doing a really good job being quiet inside the museum.
Oh, and it's FREE!

But a highlight was definitely seeing some of Walter Rane's artwork. 
He is the illustrator for the Kit Kittredge books.
So that was good fun.
Morgan is wearing an apron because she wanted to be prepared for doing some crafts...had the art festival been going on...which is wasn't....but we already went over that.

Happy Monday!

1 comment:

  1. we missed the art festival this year too - not on purpose...

    but the Springville art museum is on our bucket list. glad to hear your kids liked it!
