Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Everyday Life

 Who can resist a drawer full of kitchen towels?
Not Rory...she loves to make a mess of them daily.

During the Summer Haley and Morgan have "workbook and journal time" everyday...well, Monday through Friday that is.  They have their "study time" after lunch when I lay Rory down for her nap.  This is my attempt to get some quiet time in the house for at least a little bit.

You can see how thrilled Morgan is about it.
 And while the older girls are doing workbook, Piper is supposed to be having her quiet time on the couch reading or coloring...and if I'm lucky she'll doze off.

Today, she made a tower out of pillows.  But at least she was quiet!

Tonight we went to Sundance to watch my brother race the Weekly Race Series.  Always good fun for the kids!  They can just run their little hearts out all evening makes bedtime a snap! 

Tomorrow I'm going to attempt to take all the children, plus one of their friends, to a swim myself.  Am I crazy?!  

Give me strength!!  

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