Monday, June 17, 2013

Weekend Review

Haley had her first swim meet on Saturday!  Her coach signed her up for the freestyle and backstroke, and I'm happy to report that she has accomplished her goal of swimming an entire lap without stopping or grabbing the wall!  I'm so proud of her!  The meet was complete craziness with kids everywhere!  And having never done this myself I had to figure out how it all worked.  But Haley wasn't nervous or anything, she just went where she had to go and did what she had to do.  Good job Haley!

She's the second one in the yellow cap.

Sunday we churched it up and then Jeffy and I hit the trails at Sundance in the afternoon.

Ryan and the girls met up with us.

We celebrated Father's Day by grabbing some fried chicken on the way home from Sundance and eating alfresco.  Simple yet satisfying!  

I am so grateful for Ryan, he is truly a wonderful dad to these four girls.  I spent the evening sitting on the porch watching Ryan play tag with the girls thinking just that.
You're amazing Ryan and we love you so much!
Ryan with Haley in 2004.

And of course, Father's Day wouldn't be complete without giving a shout out to my own dad!
My riding partner and go-to guy for all home improvement projects!
I love you!  Happy Father's Day!

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