Friday, June 14, 2013

Pool Fail

Blow up pools don't work in our yard because our dogs will pop them.  And also, who wants to blow up a pool every time you want to swim?  The answer is, not me.  I like the kind that the sides fold down to let the water out...and they are usually sold out pretty quick around here.  Most years, I don't buy them in time and I'm out of luck.  So, being a good mom this year, as soon as I saw them on sale I snagged one.  And since they put out swim stuff when there's still snow on the ground, I've had that baby tucked away in the basement for a couple of months waiting for the perfect hot day.  And that day happened to be this week.  We pulled it out, set it up, just to discover it has a hole in the side.  Luckily they still could play in it...they just couldn't fill it that deep.  But, it the back of my head I knew I was taking it back the next day.  Well, I did take it back...and guess what?  They are sold out of that particular pool now.  What do you know?  So, I failed at trying to be a good mom this year.

I may have to buy the solid plastic kind...I think those are still floating around.

And speaking of swimming...Haley has her first swim meet tomorrow!  Wish her luck!  And us, I've been told swim meets can run around 4-6 hours!!  Sheesh!

She has her new team suit and of course her new swim cap!

Happy Weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Yay Haley!!! I know you'll do great! Good luck! Go get 'em tiger! :)
