Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Good news.

The good news,  Morgan does NOT have a fracture in her foot!  Whew!  Basically it's just a really bad sprain.  The doctor said she should wear her tennis shoes every day to support her foot as much possible until it heals completely.  I tried to stick to that for approximately 2 hours after the appointment.  But trying to get a kid to wear shoes in the Summer is easier said than done!  At this very moment she's playing in the irrigation canal (aka: the ditch)  She claims that it "doesn't hurt that bad anymore"...whatever.

We have been enjoying amazing weather lately!  I just love this time of year! 
The girls playing in the sprinklers last night.

Tonight we're heading up to Sundance to watch Jeffy in the mountain bike race.  Maybe we'll be able to squeeze in another lift ride before the race starts.

I think we'll stay out of the river this time though!

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