Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Rory's special style and weekly race series.

Seeing Rory play with her shirt like that I couldn't help but think of Morgan and when this happened.  
Ah, good times.

This week has been tough for me...not with anything particular...I'm just tired.  Like pregnant tired...but I'm not pregnant.  (Did I get your attention though?)  I think my weekend of camping wore me out, and that was just one night!!  Good grief!  We have plans to do some camping in a couple of weeks for three days...what will happen to me after that?!  I'll be dead for a month!

Tonight I'm racing the Weekly Race Series.  Jeffy won't be with us this time...he went back home to the LBC.  I'm kinda sad about that.  But I'll press on.  My goal tonight is to not be last.  I really don't like to be last...but then, who does?  I did get out for a ride yesterday so I got that going for me!  One day of training is better than none right?!  

Wish me luck!

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