Friday, June 28, 2013

Race report and a car full of girls.

The good news...I wasn't last this week.  Making progress??  I hope so.
It was blazing hot though and I was hurtin' like a dog out there.
 I think one of my problems is that I'm too tentative when it comes to descending on little single track trails.  I think I lose the most time during the downhill sections...weird.  I also freak out a bit when there is someone right behind in the picture.  I'm sure at that moment that guy behind me was making me uneasy.  I always feel slow and in the way when someone is behind me.  I've got to get over that!  But like I said, I think I'm making progress!

Thursday we tried out a new splash pad in the area.  And because taking 5 kids last week wasn't a big enough challenge, I decided to up the ante and take 6 this week!  
Haley was being grumpy and decided to turn her head right when I snapped the picture.  Oh, and I was at a light when I took it...just so you know...I'm all about safe driving!  The splash pad ended up being super crowded, but it didn't seem to phase the kids in the slightest...they had a ball!  And no one got hurt, and no one got lost, so I was feeling pretty confident in my ability to handle 6 much in fact that I took them to The Barn (shave ice stand) on the way home.  But there is NO WAY I could do that everyday!  I was beat!

Tomorrow Haley has another swim meet, and then we're loading up the Burban for our annual Idaho Falls weekend.  Ryan races the crit Saturday night and we haven't missed a year yet!
Some of our past trips: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012.

Happy Weekend!

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