Monday, July 1, 2013

Weekend Review: Idaho Falls

 Wow!  What a weekend we had!  Be prepared...they're about a gazillion pictures in this post!

Saturday started off with Haley's swim meet first thing in the morning.  She did pretty well for herself...improving a little?  But I think she was distracted because she was itching to leave for Idaho Falls...she wanted to get on the road...forget swimming!  We did manage to get going right after lunch for the four hour drive up north.

Ryan's race started at 8 and at that very moment a storm blew in bringing a bit of rain with it.  The field was pretty small and pretty much all of them crashed out within the first few laps because of the slick conditions...not Ryan though!  They decided to stop the race and have a restart and give the rain a chance to blow over.  Luckily the rain did stop and they were able to restart the race...which, by the way, my main man Ryan ended up taking the win!!  I'm super proud of him!

Ryan and his old teammate and good friend, Jared.

In this next picture doesn't it look like Piper is Jared's daughter...I mean really, look at their smiles, they look exactly the same!

It ended up being a late night that evening...I think it was close to 11:00 before we got the kids to bed!  But of course Haley was still up by 6:30!  That girl cannot sleep in!!

After breakfast, we did our annual river walk to the falls.  Our traditional family picture, which actually after cropping it and adding some fill light to it, it doesn't look too bad!

After our walk and a quick swim in the pool, we went to our friends Keven and Sandy's home for a BBQ.  Keven is Alan's dad.  They live in a pretty rural area outside of Idaho Falls with 5 acres of land and four horses!  So when the girls heard "horses" they went crazy as you can imagine!

Ryan's pose in this picture makes me giggle.

 The girls groomed the horses and were able to ride them around the property...they were in heaven!  This wasn't their everyday pony ride!

Haley getting instructions on how to ride.

It was actually quite comical watching all the girls (Keven had a couple of his granddaughters there too) trying to get the horses to go where they wanted them to.

Morgan had a big scare when her horse got spooked by something and the horse ended up actually falling sending Morgan flying to the ground.  Ryan was actually holding the rope when it happened and was terrified Morgan got squished by the horse!  But thankfully Morgan wasn't hurt, just scared.  But like I said earlier...this wasn't their everyday pony ride!

Morgan driving the golf cart with Keven.  She was very proud that Keven taught her how to drive and she could do it all by herself!  

The girls had a ball exploring the property!  
They even found a litter of kittens in the hay bales.

Keven and Sandy were such gracious hosts...they served up quite the feast!

It was really hard to leave as everyone was having such a great time.  It was a very memorable weekend all around!
This picture was taken about 3 minutes after getting in the car to go home.
Can we say tired?!

Now today Ryan left early for CO and I'm in a post trip funk...tired.  And Morgan was thrilled to go tell her friend that she got thrown from a horse!

The girls can hardly wait for next years trip!

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