Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Today I had a cup of coffee.
I brewed it myself.

Nobody knew about it...until now.

I had very little sleep this weekend, and then last night I stayed up waaaay too late watching a movie...yeah, by myself since Ryan was in CO.  And then when I finally did go to bed around midnight I couldn't fall asleep...it was awful.  Rory was up by 6:15 this morning and boy, did I really regret staying up the night before...darn that movie!  I got everyone out the door by 8:15 for Haley's swim practice, but I admit I was a zombie all morning.  I felt exactly like a did the day after I quit coffee a year ago: headache, heavy eyes, weak, and an uncontrollable desire to cry because you feel so tired.  I needed a pick-me-up if I wanted to make it through the day...and I didn't want a crummy soda or a nasty sports drink...I wanted a cup of coffee.

It was a moment of weakness. 

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