Wednesday, July 3, 2013

It's the 4th already?!

Tomorrow is the Fourth of really came quick, don't you think?  I'm actually really looking forward to a nice relaxing morning with no where to go.  With Haley's swim practices every morning, meets on Saturday and early church on Sundays we don't have many mornings to have a leisurely breakfast.  Most days the kids scarf down a bagel or a bowl of cereal before they're out the door.  Tomorrow we're feasting on danishes, bacon and eggs!  

We're having a quiet (well, as quiet as a family of 6 can be...which is not very quiet at all actually) BBQ at home.  We'll walk down to the park to watch the fireworks from the stadium but I'm really not sure how it will go as Piper is pretty terrified of fireworks.  Although perhaps she's she won't be this year??  We'll find out.

This weeks also marks a very important milestone!  My mom hit the five year mark...she is officially cancer free!!  When we all get together again I think a celebration is in order!  Love you mom!

Happy Fourth!!

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