Friday, July 5, 2013

4th of July Wrap-up

Our fourth was very low key.  After we gorged ourselves with danishes, bacon and eggs, Ryan took Haley and the little ones on a ride.  We need to get Haley her own bike so we can all go!  
Later Haley spent the entire afternoon with a friend at a fourth of July event in the park.  She met this new friend at the mountain bike series and they have been attached at the hip ever since!  

One of my mom's favorite meals is tri-tip on the grill, and she wanted to celebrate her fourth of July being cancer free with just that!  So, in her honor we also had tri-tip, 600 miles away.  Little things like having the same meal even when we can't be together makes me feel a bit closer to my family.  Of course my brother (who was celebrating with my folks) and I texted pictures of our meals.

Our meal.

My family's meal in CA.

And since we were on a roll...I threw in a picture of our dessert.

At about 9:00 we walked down to the school/park to watch the fireworks from the stadium.  The show didn't start until about 10:30 so we had some waiting to do.  But all around us people we lighting off their own fireworks so the girls had plenty of entertainment while we waited.  

Piper spent much of the evening like this:
But I am happy to report that she made it through the entire evening.  I think she even warmed up to fireworks by the end.  And Rory...well, she was scared at first then decided to just go to sleep.

We all crashed as soon as we got was close to midnight so everyone was pretty beat!  Of course that still doesn't stop Haley from getting up before 7...ouch.

Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday weekend!

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