Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Everyday Life

Rory playing out back.
She was giving a Barbie a bath in a Tupperware and drying her with a washcloth...mimicking exactly what the older girls were doing 5 minutes earlier in that very spot.  

 The other week Haley went to her Activity Days camp.  It's for all the girls ages 8-11 in our church.  They meet weekly during the school year and then for the summer they held a day camp.  She left about 1:30 and didn't come home until 8:30 that evening!  Watching her walk down the sidewalk on her way to the house all the girls were meeting at, she looked so grown up with her dinner sack in hand and a baseball cap.  Some days I have moments like that...where I notice all of a sudden how grown up one of my kids are.  It takes me off guard every time!  But anyway...we sure did miss out little Haley that afternoon/evening.  It was so weird having her gone so long, and to be gone during our dinner time.  But she had a ball!

Last week we went out to ice cream at the Creamery and then walked down to the  pond after...one of favorites things to do in the summer.  Unfortunately, Morgan's flip flop was lost under the bridge during this outing.

Haley and Morgan love making picnics!  For this picnic they picked raspberries in our yard, then Haley mashed them up and added some sugar to create her own raspberry "preserves" (an Anne of Green Gables reference).  So for this picnic they packed some slices of pound cake with raspberry preserves, applesauce, watermelon and some trail mix.

The American Girl catalog came in yesterday.  The girls were quick to grab their dolls and look through it.
Their birthdays are coming up (they remind me daily) and they are excited to pick out some new things for their dolls.

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